Thursday, May 29, 2008

NEVADA CITY : Such a cute little town THE 70's

Annie owner of Pete's Place Nevada City California
Miles Rodney Firefighter
F7 Air Tanker
Hooking up the water bucket at White Cloud
Cutting fire line with D6 Cat

As the most chromed example how Detroit like to push on the car loving American public their misguided follies hurled it's way across the flat desert floor Wiley Dog's mind began to whirl. Fond thoughts came clear of the time he and Sparky met. It was in Pete's Place in the small town of Nevada City California. It was 1970 and unknown to both of then this was the starting decade to what this town would eventually evolve into. Located an hour from California's Capital Sacramento and a hour east to the blue gem of the Sierra Nevada Mountains Lake Tahoe. Nestled in what is called California's Mother Lode it had earned the title as the " Queen of the Northern Mines". The Mother Lode is an area that earned it's name from the 1849 gold discovery. It stretches north of Nevada City and runs along the Sierra Foothills south of Mariposa. Several hundred miles that finds itself being the transition point between the majestic High Sierra and California's Great Central Valley. The valley oaks change to the Sierra pines and the many rivers that feed the valley all seem to cross the Mother Lode. And it was the rivers that brought the first gold seekers to the region. California gold was discovered at a lumber mill site along the banks of the American just an hours drive south from modern Nevada City. That find by John Marshall not only transformed this area but was the start of modern California. Originally called Deer Creek Diggings after the creek that gold was first discovered in. Soon would be called many names; Caldwell's Upper Store was one of them. The strike was a good one and the camp soon became a town. On April 14 1849 a real town was born sporting the name Nevada. The tents started to disappear and wooden structures started to appear. The area at the 2500 foot level was blessed with large areas of pine forest and abundant water and of course all that glittering gold. Wiley Dog always-ed like the idea that Nevada City was an Aries. When Nevada became a state the town became officially the name it is known for today----Nevada City.

Nevada City flourished from it's birth until the mid 1950's. By then the many gold mines where far under ground and had brought millions of dollars to the local economy. It might seem strange here in the year 2008, but the price of gold was so low and the mines so deep that it was no longer worth the effort. So after a Century of very good times the area had become depressed. Blessed with outstanding scene and fabulous history just not enough cash to spread around. That is something you might be able to relate here in 2008 ! One area though was doing fine and was on the way to doing even better, that being the timber industry. The Golden Center Freeway was built in the 1960's. Dubbed California's shortest freeway it stretched from just north of Nevada City to just south of "the town over the hill" Grass Valley. While Nevada City was the county seat of Nevada County and the headquarters of the Tahoe National Forest, Grass Valley had grown much larger and had a better retail base. The Golden Center Freeway was short on miles but ran deep with emotions. Nevada City was given three choices; one east, one through and one west of town. Already facing economic survival the city father choice became the route directly through town. It was their belief that there was no way town could grow with traffic going on the outskirts. The route took out a large swath of town although the builders sunk this section which changed to sound and site lines. The construction sparked a fierce battle that would set the foundation of modern Nevada City. What came out of this battle was an historical district that would preserve a true gem of a town. That effort would in time prove to be the salvation of Nevada City.

Sparky first was introduced to Nevada City in the late 60's. While attending college a friend and fellow fraternity brother was dating his future wife. She had grown up there and the introduction to town was a fun one. After all fun was the main theme of his life in those days. Theta Chi's ,OX , had become known for their outlandish parties and all around good times. Sparky fit in well. If he was not being an OX he was on the quad. He must have gone to some classes for he got his degree. But he was an art major and this WAS the 60's. I should not make fun of him for I earned my color stripes during that time. We all had are ways !

After college Sparky moved to Squaw Valley. Having spent the years since high school hanging in the Lake Tahoe area with friends this was a natural move. Spending the non snow months filled with all types of entertainment. As far as I can tell he was stoned on something all the time.....but it WAS the 60's. Myself, I was hanging with a young Huell Houser. Huell is responsible for my endless curoisity and great question skills. I met Sparky at Pete's Place, which by any standards was a most non happening place. The doors on non weekend days were closed by 8. And unlike some places it did not have any AM business. Actually Pete's Place in the 70's had very little business at all. That was going on across the street at the Club Crazy was the it place in town in those days. The joint was owned by Annie who was then in her late 60's and she DID one else worked there. Occasionaly her son Frank might help. But he was from far away Yuba City! What was the attraction ?! Simple put it was the hang out of the postal workers which was just down the street and the Forest Service. That is the United States Forest Service which District Office was next door. And Sparky he was a firefighter with the organization.

Outside of Pete's Place Nevada City had started to transform itself. Hippies, spiritual seeking young people all had slowly shown up. Some because of the Spirtual Community of Ananda. Some because the cosmos showed them that this place was the center of "special powers". Some because of the fantastic Yuba River. Some to try their hand with new tech with the Grass Valley Group. For what ever reason this eclectic group were about to transform sleepy Nevada City into what many now call Nirvana.

I liked Pete's Place, after all it was the home of cold cheap Bud in the can and cheap whiskey shots. A true mix that could lead to hours of bar "bull shit". Most certainly a mighty fine time! Some of those stories next.......

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