Thursday, July 31, 2008


Wiley Dog and Sparky were lucky to have for their use in Paris. Made with right hand drive in 1939 at Slough, England. There are only six left in 2008. The grill sports the Citroen logo which is the " double chevron ", referencing Citroen's early work on the " herringbone " or double helical gear, but there are other theories about this. Citroen, was Jewish and also an internationally well-known Freemason, attached to the Lodge of " La Philosophia Positive " in Paris. The logo may be interpreted as a masonic symbol - a double masonic square or a double masonic compass, associating the masonic ideology of Citroen with his invention of the double helical gear. In masonry, the compass is associated with the symbolism of the " architect's tools ", so it is possible that Citroen used a double compass to represent his invention, in a masonic way.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

SAVING MIC The Citroen 2 CV Mic's ride

They made almost 9 million 2 CV's in it's 42 - year history. Designed to carry 2 French peasants with 100 kg of farm goods to market at 60 km/h. in clogs and across muddy unpaved roads if necessary. The car would use no more than 3 litres of gasoline to travel 100 km. The 2 CV would be able to drive across a ploughed field without breaking the eggs it was carrying. The roof was raised so that you could wear a hat. Rarely seen in America the car became a French icon. For such a common car Mic's was awfully rare. It was a 2 CV Sahara, one of only 27 ( out of 694 made ) that are known to exists today. The Sahara, is a four - wheel drive car, equipped with two engines ( 12 hp each ), each having a separate gas tank. One was mounted in the front driving the front wheels and one in the back driving the rear wheels. A single gear shifter, clutch pedal, and gas pedal were connected to both engines. Perfect for Wiley Dog and Sparky's trip from Baghdad to Harare in their attempts to save Mic.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

RUBY Saves the World

" Ruby Saves the World "

Friday, July 25, 2008


" Southern Pacific number 4449 "
pen, ink and watercolor

Southern Pacific's 4449 is still in operation pulling the beautiful Daylight Special on special excursions. All decked out in orange and black it is a rail road enthusiasts dream sighting. It is also called The City of Portland and is based in that Oregon city. One of our favorite steam locomotives.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

SANTA FE Super Chief 347C

" Super Chief "
pen, ink and watercolor
Sparky's first train ride was on the Santa Fe Super Chief from Stockton, California to Dallas Texas to see his grandmother. She lived in Centerville Texas which was about 100 miles south of Dallas. The Chief 's shield on the front of the engine could be one of the most famous in the world. Poppa Sparky says that the young Sparky was afraid of the Chief and did not want to get on board. As he proudly told the story when ever he had the chance; " I could hear him screaming as the train pulled out of the station !". He always got a chuckle out of that. As for a young Sparky, he can not remember any of that but he grew up to love trains. I guess that trip started it all. Engine 347C is at the California State Rail Road Museum in Sacramento California.

Monday, July 21, 2008

WESTERN PACIFIC Feather River Route

" Western Pacific Feather River Route "
pen, ink and watercolor

Sparky and I always have had a great love for trains. We grew up with the old Western Pacific being close by. The California Zephyr was one of America's finest passenger trains. It ran from Oakland California to Salt Lake City Utah. The journey through California's Feather River Canyon was considered one of America's most scenic train rides. The Zephyr was the last great passenger train to operate regularly in the United States. This engine can be found in the California State Rail Road Museum in Sacramento.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

TOM LEGG'S International project

" Tom Legg's International "
felt pen and watercolor

" Tom Legg's International "


felt pen and watercolor

" Tom Legg's International "


felt pen and watercolor

Monday, July 14, 2008

FOLSOM PRISON Wiley Dog and Sparky get as close as they want

" Main Gate Folsom Prison "
pen , ink and watercolor

This is as close as Wiley Dog and Sparky ever want to get to this place !

Sunday, July 13, 2008


" Dick Tracy Crimestoppers "
self portrait

Sparky has created art for at least 45 years. He has always enjoyed that very much. What he enjoys less is the parts that come along with being a artist. This self portrait was an attempt to show some of those feelings.

Friday, July 11, 2008

SPARKY Self portrait

" Self portrait "
pencil, watercolor and computer additions

Thursday, July 10, 2008


" Mom and Pop "
pen, ink and watercolor

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


" Nancy "
pen, ink and watercolor

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


" Peter Badarraco "
pencil and watercolor
Sparky met Peter in college. He now makes a living playing golf. Imagine that !

Monday, July 7, 2008

MEXICO Sparky's 30th birthday adventure with Pat Farrell starts love of murals

It was the summer of 1976 and Sparky had talked his good friend Pat Farrell in celebrating his 30Th birthday with an special adventure. That adventure was going to Mexico by mostly hitchhiking. Sparky was a old hand at that means of travel but his friend was most certainly not. Their 9,000 mile trip lasted over a month and was packed with one exciting moment after another. One of the effects of this grand journey was that after seeing the great Mexican murals he never lost his love for that artistic expression. After driving to Davis, California and partying with friends they embarked southwards. Their first moment of hitch hiking should have given them a clue on what was in store for them. At the on ramp the two joined in with a fellow who seemed to have been there for a while and was a " little " grumpy. Sporting waste length hair and a trench coat he was not catching a much needed ride. " Where are you guys going?", he asked. " Mexico." was the response. " You guys go there and you will die !" was his response. That shook Sparky and Pat. The stranger went on with a wild story how his friends had gone and came back in a box. All the time muttering you will die. After another 15 minutes and numerous cars zipping by he ripped off his trench coat threw it in a near by garbage can and headed back to Davis yelling back at us, " See ya in hell !" Suddenly a car stopped and we were off but we were a shaken traveler. From that moment on things were always going on around us but this adventure was blessed with great fortune every day. For example; in Tepic, Mexico, they boarded a bus for the two hour trip to the coastal town of San Blas. The bus was standing room full with all going to party on the coast. Sparky's birthday is April 16 and this year that was going to be Easter Sunday. In Mexico Easter is a national holiday and this movie set of a town was packed. There was no rooms any where and not knowing minute by minute what they would be doing prevented any careful planning on this trip. Finally finding a motel on the outskirts of town that for a small price you could sleep on their lawn. The lawn was a sea of travelers from all parts of the world and after pitching their tent Sparky and Pat were at home. It was a non stop party for days, a birthday that Sparky has never forgotten. On the third night a fellow American who was camping at the same site ran into the two travelers. He looked in state of shock and explained that the motel's night watchman had gotten drunk and stole what he could and destroyed the rest. Things did not look good ! Sparky and Pat decided that they were having too much fun and what could they do any way so they continued to stay in town and celebrate. Finally the time came to return to see what if anything remained of their gear. Entering the court yard they could see what had previously been described to them. It was a mess, what once was a neat and clean camping site was a sea of destruction. In the center of this was their tent standing tall. To their surprise all was untouched ! As I said each and every day those two rode on a magic carpet. To the beach and then on to Mexico City ! " Glorious Victory "
Diego Rivera
Mexico City's Palacio de Bellas Artes
Viewers in left hand corner give scale
" Glorious Victory "
U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower is portrayed as a bomb,
and a Guatemalan stooge shakes hands with his CIA puppet
master as U.S. dollars are spread around.

" Epic of the Mexican People - Mexico Today and Tomorrow "
Diego Rivera
1934 - 35
Palacio Nacional, Mexico City

" The Arsenal "
Diego Rivera
Frida Kahlo distributes arms

" The Arsenal "
Frida Kaholo was Diego's great admirer,
and she shared Diego's revolutionary feelings.

" The Great City of Tenochtitlan "
Diego Rivera
National Palace, Mexico city

" The Great City of Tenochtitlan "
detail ( The market )

Sunday, July 6, 2008

NEVADA CITY Old Nevada City - Grass Valley Bus Line

" Old Nevada City - Grass Valley Bus Line "
Pen, ink and watercolor

This old bus had set in a field that was just east on Red Dog Road past the cemetery. In the 1970's it had been there for years and was surrounded by large blackberry bushes. Sparky and I always thought it was a natural to be restored and then used as a tour bus for both towns. We still wonder what ever happened to this past history of our " cute little town ".

Saturday, July 5, 2008

DECLARATION of INDEPENDENCE Sparky's Great Great Grandfather was at the signing

" Declaration of Independence " by John Trumbull
July 4, 1776
Trumbull's painting depicts the signing You can see
Sparky's Great Great Grand Father S. L. Parker in
blue vest standing. To his left are; Samel Chase,
Lewis Morris, William Floyd and Arthur Middleton.

Friday, July 4, 2008

NEVADA CITY Very first parade

Fourth of July 1972, was the first parade Sparky was ever in. The parade was in Nevada City and he drove Smokey the Bear down Broad Street aboard White Cloud Engine 524. For the White Cloud crew this was a pleasant out of the ordinary treat from their normal duties of being fire fighters for the United States Forest Se vice. While Smokey was a regular to the Fourth of July Parade he normally rode in a Prevention Officer's pickup. To have a fire engine to transport Smokey was rare. White Cloud Guard Station is some eight miles east of Nevada City on Cal State Highway 20 and that is were the crew had spent the last two days before spit and polishing 524. Number 524 was a typical tanker fire truck of that era. Most all were a two and a half ton flatbed International truck. On the flat bed was placed a slip-on unit that contained a 300-gallon water tank. Which is not a lot by any standards, but you must remember that the Forest Service puts out fires with a shovel. Surrounding the water tank was compartments that held all your needs, a hard line hose reel that was hooked to a pump. And finally right behind the cab was a bench seat that held three crew members.In the cab was the Foreman and a Tank Truck Operator or better known as TTO. Sparky was the TTO. Parking on West Broad Street under no shade on what would be a scorching day even by early July standards Smokey found shade. Soon Smokey's head came off to expose a sweat drenched crew member. After hydrogenating Smokey we were off down Broad waving and ringing the siren. Stop and go all the way made the journey a long and very hot one. The parade could not come soon enough for Smokey who almost passed out inside that fur suit ! Back at White Cloud Smokey got to set in the shade for the rest of the day.
Grand Marshal
pen, ink and watercolor
Grand Marshal Harold T. " Bizz " Johnson was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from 1959 until 1980. First in California's 2nd congressional district and finally in the 1st congressional district. He was a congressional pork king, and he was ours ! For those efforts, Highway 65 from Roseville to Lincoln is named the Harold T. Bizz Johnson Expressway. Also the interchange at U.S. 101 and State Route 92 is named the Harold T.Bizz Johnson Interchange.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

NEVADA CITY Fourth of July Parade comes down Broad Street

Friday will be Fourth of July. We all love the 4th ! This year the parade is in our cute little town. That means that the parade is coming down Broad Street ! You can not miss Jonathan Meredith's iconic Uncle Sam. Meredith is a master of the art of stilt walking. His towering Uncle Sam zigs and wags his way down the street. Just who is Uncle Sam you ask ? Maybe this can shed some light on Uncle Sam.
James Montgomery Flagg
1916 - 1917

Stovepipe-hatted, long-nosed and pointed - beard folk hero so symbolic of our great nation, Uncle Sam has been with us for more than 180 years. Along with companions Miss Columbia and the Statue of Liberty, he enjoys instant recognition around the world as America's spokesman. So much so that back in 1961 the US Congress made him our official emissary. Like the song Yankee Doodle, however, life began for him as anything but the patriotic and beloved embodiment of the United States.

Historians aren't completely certain how the character " Uncle Sam " was created, or who ( if anyone) he was named after. The prevailing theory is that Uncle Sam was named after Samuel Wilson.

Wilson was born in Arlington, Mass., on September 13, 1766. His childhood home was in Mason, New Hampshire. In 1789, he and his brother Ebenezer walked to Troy, New York.

During the War of 1812, Wilson was in the business of slaughtering and packing meat. He provided large shipments of meat to the US Army, in barrels that were stamped with the initials " U.S. ". Supposedly, someone who saw the " U.S. " stamps suggested-----perhaps as a joke----- that the initials stood for " Uncle Sam " Wilson. The suggestion that the meat shipment came from " Uncle Sam " led to the idea that Uncle Sam symbolized the federal government. Samuel Wilson died in 1854. His grave is in Oakwood Cemetery in Troy.

Uncle Sam -- Super Patriot

Author : Roy Nuhn

comic book

Uncle Sam's traditional appearance, with a white goatee and star-spangled suit, is an invention of artists and political cartoonists; Samuel Wilson did not look like the modern image of Uncle Sam. For example, Wilson was clean-shaven, while Uncle Sam is usually portrayed with a goatee.

Thomas Nast, a prominent 19th-century political cartoonist, produced many of the earliest cartoons of Uncle Sam. However, historians and collectors take note: Many of Nast's cartoons may appear to depict Uncle Sam, while in fact they depict Yankee Doodle or " Brother Jonathan. " It is easy to mistake Brother Jonathan cartoon for one of Uncle Sam, since both figures wear star-spangled suits of red, white and blue. As a rule, Brother Jonathan was drawn with a feather in his cap, while Uncle Sam was not; and Uncle Sam is nearly always drawn with a beard, while Brother Jonathan was clean-shaven.

During the War of 1812, newspapers used him as a contemptuous representative of Washington's inept wartime bureaucracy. His origins go back to the initials, " U>S> ", stamped on approved army supply containers and meat by inspectors. The first illustrations of an Uncle Sam figure, properly attired in a suit emblazoned with stars and stripes, were political satires in 1832. As time passed, Uncle Sam began gaining a reputation as being a savvy patriotic fellow. The old gent in the flag suit finally became popular in his own right during the last decades of the 19th century, thanks to the skills of the great American artist, Thomas Nast.

The final permanent characterization of Uncle Sam came at the hands of James Montgomery Flagg, a famous illustrator during the first quarter of the 20th century. It was his portrait of Uncle Sam, on a World War I recruiting poster, staring down into the eyes of the nation's young men and telling them " I Want You for the US Army ", that cast forever the image of America's favorite uncle.

I Want OUT



Tuesday, July 1, 2008

NEVADA CITY Stuey Weills

pen, ink and watercolor

Wiley Dog and Sparky met Stuey Weills in the early 1970's in what they refer to the " Transendational Decade ". She is one of the most alive - alive human beings they have ever met. With a razor sharp mind, quick wit, easy smile she was a natural people person. No matter a waitress at Friar Tuck's, as she was when they first met, or now running her iconic Nevada City store; The Gray Goose, people orientated she is. Wiley Dog and Sparky had the great opportunity to meet mom and dad while they were alive. John and Audrie Weills possessed the gift of life. Which meant that they lived to the fullest a life that believed in giving and sharing with friends and community both. Their delightful journey in life had spilled over to their large family. Anne, Christopher, Tuck, Stuey, Penny and Kinley make up a family which Wiley Dog and Sparky consider the most eclectic family they have known. And they remain that today, they learned very well from mom and dad. Susan " Stuey " Weills is and always has been what this cute little town is all about. And finally our mailman for ever was Cap Davies, Audrey's brother.