Tuesday, July 1, 2008

NEVADA CITY Stuey Weills

pen, ink and watercolor

Wiley Dog and Sparky met Stuey Weills in the early 1970's in what they refer to the " Transendational Decade ". She is one of the most alive - alive human beings they have ever met. With a razor sharp mind, quick wit, easy smile she was a natural people person. No matter a waitress at Friar Tuck's, as she was when they first met, or now running her iconic Nevada City store; The Gray Goose, people orientated she is. Wiley Dog and Sparky had the great opportunity to meet mom and dad while they were alive. John and Audrie Weills possessed the gift of life. Which meant that they lived to the fullest a life that believed in giving and sharing with friends and community both. Their delightful journey in life had spilled over to their large family. Anne, Christopher, Tuck, Stuey, Penny and Kinley make up a family which Wiley Dog and Sparky consider the most eclectic family they have known. And they remain that today, they learned very well from mom and dad. Susan " Stuey " Weills is and always has been what this cute little town is all about. And finally our mailman for ever was Cap Davies, Audrey's brother.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You rock!
We love David and Wiley Dog!

Signed - anon (aka Reg's mom)