Tuesday, August 26, 2008


In one week I will be hanging The Adventures of Wiley Dog and Sparky at The Center For The Arts. Of course there are the normal pre - show jitters but as a whole it has become very exciting. Another chance to show a year's plus of work. I really do like that feeling. Still a lot of details to finish but that should be accomplished without to much fan fare. After all as an artist all you really can do is put on the best show you have at the time, the rest is in other hands. Then again it is my way of thinking that all you have to do to be an artist is to create. You do not have to show or sell your work all you need is to continue to create. If that is done the rest will find it's course. That means that you must constantly strive to fulfill your goals with your work and with these goals some will be constant and some will surface as the work demands.
This years journey was filled in learning about materials and tools. After some 40 plus years of working with the same objects ( paints , mediums, canvas and brushes) I started paying closer attention. It seems funny to think that but that is what this year has been about. Learning how to paint is some kind of journey !

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