Wednesday, October 15, 2008


We have been on a short break for about a month. Needed the time to plot what direction to be headed in. Empress Mountain Studio is back in full swing with fresh work and new ideas. I confess that after each show I find the need to take some time to measure the success and what needs to be focused on. I find that to be a way to stay grounded and move forward. The good news comes in pairs; first I and my great friend RL Crabb will be having a joint show at The Center For The Arts July 20 through August 10, 2009 and I have a one man show scheduled for September 2010. All that is very good. I have worked and completed six very small works ( by my standards ) each being 10 inches by 10 inches. Here is the first piece.

" Lootapalooza "
10" x 10"

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