Saturday, June 7, 2008

NEVADA CITY : Constitution Day and The Famous Marching Presidents

Nevada City's Constitution Parade has been a local tradition since 1967 and is the oldest and largest Constitution observance in western America You would think that America's most important document would be celebrated every where, but for the most part it goes unnoticed. Not here, Nevada City does it with the town style....with a party. This September 14 will mark the 42ND Annual Constitution Day Parade. In 1976 our Nation was celebrating our 200Th birthday and major celebrations were being planned across the land. Each state was to have an official Bicentennial City that would be recognized by the national committee. I am not sure what that meant other that you could claim official status, but I would guess some funding went alone with it. The large and powerful San Diego City was announced as the official bicentennial California city. Nevada City shouted out loudly " Hey wait a minute ! We have actually been celebrating our Constitution for years ". The national committee did agree that Nevada City had been doing this for some time and awarded town in being the official Co-Bicentennial California City. Just proves to you that doing the right thing can pay off. Filled with patriotic enthusiasm Sparky founded The Famous Marching Presidents in 1987. The group would have all the United States Presidents in costume of their period and march down Nevada City's Broad Street. That first year's group was a little ragged and small by today's group standards. What they did though was set the standard of great fun spirit that lives on today with the group 20 years later. That attitude has been the cornerstone of The Famous Marching Presidents becoming the best known marching group from Nevada County and that weekend's most anticipated and popular group. Sparky for that twenty years has portrayed Martin Van Buren, America's 8TH President. Van Buren was the first President to be born under the American flag. All others before that had seen the British flag waving at their birth. That first Constitution Parade in 1987 Martin Van Buren ( all presidents wore name sashes then as now) was walking up Broad Street to the group's gathering point he passed two elder ladies who where sitting in their folding chairs in front of the Nevada Theater. Over hearing them say, " Look there goes Martin Van Buren". Swelling with pride and excitement that this WAS going to work, it suddenly changed as the other proclaimed, " Oh he is much to tall for Martin!". The 1987 Martin Van Buren's six foot height had not measured up to the originals 5 feet and 4 inches ! Oh well despite of that fact it was on with the show. Above is The Famous Marching Presidents Official Seal. It was created by R.L. Crabb and gives an all non subtle view what this group can be all about.
The Famous Marching Presidents in 2007 had grown to a group of 119 people with each President and First Lady. Secret Service Agents mixed among them as well. The group stretched from the review stand at the corner of Broad and Pine Street all the way up the street to the Nevada Theater.

The first Famous Marching Presidents in 1987. This group small by todays standard but large in spirut and outright fun provided the cornerstone for all The Marching Presidents to come after them.

A parody of the Beatles " Sargent Pepper " album, this was 2007 official 20TH design. Designed by R. L. Crabb it marked his 17TH year of making each year's The Famous Marching Presidents official yearly logo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.