Friday, June 20, 2008

NORTH FORK YUBA RIVER Sparky goes over Maytag and can still talk

In the June 6Th post Wiley Dog explained of some of Sparky's adventures at the Nevada City Independent Newspaper. One being his hike from Yuba Pass down the North Fork of the Yuba River to Indian Valley. This was done to expose the Wambo Bar Dam Project which was in the " concept " stage. The North Fork is a stunning river which with just a few tributaries having small dams on them is really a unfettered flow of water. It has never seemed to be overrun by people despite the fact that California Highway 49 runs along side of it for almost the entire river before entering Bullards Bar Reservoir. The North Fork in the early 1980's had become a outfitters dream with great access, great late Spring and early Summer water flows and possessed a unique remote feeling. It had become one of California's white water rafting destinations. The Nevada City Independent Newspaper was a small popular weekly publication. Run by a highly talented and dedicated staff. Dedicated is a key word here because it would be really tough to make a "living" for your efforts. Sparky soon realized that the best way to enjoy the newspaper business was to celebrate the perks of the trade. So him and photographer Bob Lickter created very " professional " press id's and stationary. Today that task with the modern computer would be an extremely easy one. In the late seventies and early eighties access to these tools was not so simple. So this was a period of cut and paste with the primary modern tool being a copy machines. Armed with their press credentials Bob and Sparky went on many " press junkets " right along side the big boys and girls. One such adventure was a two-day rafting trip on the North Fork. The trip was from Union Flat above Sierra City to Indian Valley just above the Highway 49 bridge. Arriving early on a Saturday morning Bob and Sparky where introduced to fellow raft mates. As it turned out the whole group which comprised of four rafts of six plus guide were from Santa Rosa and happened all to be in the real estate business. Everyone was excited to get on the river except Sparky. It seems that none of those swimming lessons as child had taken very well. He could thrash around in the water but no one on this planet would call him a swimmer. And is well hidden fear of the water was very real. Sparky does admit that the fear did really expand the rafting experience. The Yuba lived up to all and much more than was expected and the trip has always been remembered. But the rapid called Maytag will never be forgotten. Maytag is notorious as being the baddest of them all. This was the only rapids during the two day trip that the outfitters pulled to shore and gave you the option of hiking around or going over. At that moment you could hear the roar and see the rising mist of Maytag and it would have been easy to get out of the raft. Many did. Not Sparky, his heart was pounding in his throat and he had a death grip on the paddle. After al he knew he was going to die ! Off the seven of them went with the guide suddenly giving out more instructions than the whole trip before. Sparky's mouth now as bone dry and all he could think was I am going to die ! The roar became like a 747 under full throttle and just moments later you can not see the river in front of you. Why, because your next split section you are going STRAIGHT down and all Sparky can remember of this dramatic moment is seeing the blue sky above. Whoosh and you are totally submerged in the river, spinning around under water. Then just as suddenly you pop back up. Sparky's heart raced for another reason this time, he was still in the raft while four of the seven were now in the turbulent rotating white water. His first thoughts leaped in his mind " I'm alive !", Those thoughts were quickly shattered as the guide regaining his spot at the back helms location yelled, " Paddle !". You see we were in a whirlpool and THAT is were Maytag had got it's now infamous name from. Paddling like mad men we escaped the whirling water only to find our selves adrift in a calm green pool on the river. Picking up their overboard raft mates the journey continued. Sparky has smiled for decades on that moment. After all he not only did not die he thrived. He had gone over the mighty Maytag.....Isn't life grand !

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