Monday, June 9, 2008

YOSEMITE : Wiley Dog and Sparky's and the whole World's magical spot

Wiley Dog and Sparky love California's Yosemite ! From the valley floor to the high country it is all majestic ! Sparky refers to this magic place as " spiritual ". I am sure it is to all who take the sights in. Sparky started going there in the 1950's with his parents. He still can remember the Fire fall from Glacier Point. Stopped many years ago the ember fire fall was a nightly experience for visitors on the valley floor. Imagine this, in those days cars would park in the meadows to watch !
After all those many trips over the years the thought of another trip excites still.

Yosemite has endless things to see and do. It could take a life time just to scratch the surface.

Sparky has found Yosemite an endless subject for his art, " Yosemite Too " was done in 2005.

The " Half Dome Lounge " , a portable home made bar, was piled on top of Bob Benoit's Land Cruiser and transported to Yosemite Valley. Set up with the real Half Dome as back drop the lounge was fully stocked. With battery powered blenders and lights it became infamous. When closed it showed a smiling ranger face and when up and running you would find the ranger wearing a frown.

Wiley Dog and Sparky have hiked many miles in Yosemite.

Yosemite Valley, a view that never gets boring and is always a view that is looked forward to on each journey.

1 comment:

Office said...

How amazing to find out that I adorn a Yosemite poster (abeit with limited distribution)! Good times were had by all that trip and it is indeed most magical.