Wednesday, June 11, 2008

SPARKY DOLL : Kiwanis Club event is huge success

When the phone rang it was Patti Foster calling to tell Sparky she had a muslin blank doll for him. She continued to explain that Mike Young was heading up a charity event for the local Kiwanis Club and he should have a doll in this special event. Well, just how could he say no. Patti after all was a great friend who had been involved in all sorts of Sparky projects. The most noticeable being in charge of The Famous Marching Presidents annual party in Nevada City's Miners Foundry Stone Room. A huge undertaking which she handled fabulously for the past decade. What most people do not know is that she is a great artist in many mediums. Her stain glass piece of Sparky and Wiley Dog is a cherished masterpiece. With her talent why was she not doing it ? Probable because she does not want anyone to know she is blessed with talent and her and Sparky have a lifetime (figurative speaking) of getting each other involved in projects. The project was that people all over Western Nevada County were asked to make a doll from the same blank form in their own style. Mike Young who was the contact for the project explained that the dolls would be auctioned off and the proceeds would go to buying these muslin dolls which would be given to children who were in hospitals. The dolls have had a proven track record of being well received by the children. A much welcome item in a time when caring is needed. Mike Young and his wife Karen are the kind of people who make our cute little town so special. Both with a career in writing, upon retiring they moved here two years ago . I use the word retiring very lightly. These two are involved in EVERYTHING ! Introduced last year as they joined the Famous Marching Presidents you knew these two would be a welcome addition to Nevada City. When I asked how could they be so quickly be involved so deeply in the community they both had the same answer; our good friend is Dixie Redfern. THAT DOES explain it ! Dixie is an human dynamo ! Her Reader's Corner column appeared for years in the Grass Valley Union newspaper. She now is a reporter for local radio station KNCO. And if that wasn't enough she has her own blog about all of us. She is ubiquitous here ! And the really good thing she is a terrific person. Sparky Doll was created. The big day came and Grass Valley's Liberty Motors showroom was turned into a doll party. One hundred dolls had been created in all types of costumes. It was a terrific evening and the Kiwanis Club raised over $ 7000.00 on this first time charity event. Artists Sue Barry bid for Sparky Doll allowing her to "take him home'. A very fun time for a great cause.

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