Tuesday, June 3, 2008

NEVADA CITY : Hollywood comes to town

Hollywood soon discovered our "cute little town". Once they started coming in the mid 1970's they never stopped. Whether it was for a commercial or a movie right up to now they came. It was always good for Nevada City as a few locals got a little work. The crews spent money just about everywhere. You could mostly watch. And the Chamber of Commerce loved the exposure. A few years ago the small town of Washington even got into the act with a Kermit The Frog staring in a "green" Ford Explorer Hybrid commercial. It first aired during the Super Bowl. You caught a glimpse of "downtown" Washington and the South Fork of the Yuba River. Wiley Dog and Sparky would hang around and watch it all unfold. The above scene was for a McDonald's commercial. There was a woman on the "set" that her only job was to prepare the Big Mac that would be seen in the commercial. They only look THAT good in the commercials !
This Nevada City fire truck must have pulled out of the old Victorian fire house on Broad Street thirty times before the director called it a wrap. The commercial was a fast and exciting minute on the screen. Watching it be made on the other hand was after a short while down right boring .
Kelly Tires in the late 70's and early 80's had the " Kelly Tire Men ". All dressed in Kelly green they could be seen on many of the tire manufacturer's ads. They all marched around and picked up, carried or rolled a Kelly Tire. They had a group of Hollywood actors as front men. This is one of the rare times that a large group of Nevada City locals got work. Marching around in their green Kelly Tire suits. This Hollywood actor must have had lifted that tire a dozen times before they had a good shot. He HAD to be tired after this day's shooting !
They would all pose for you and they were the nicest folks....these Hollywood commercial actors.
For the Hollywood guys, they stood around more than anything else. Then spring into a short bit of action and then stand around some more. The guy on the left is a young Carl Weatherby who later became Apollo Creed in the Rocky movies.
After watching many film crews in town Sparky did this self portrait. Adding a Paramount Pictures hat and a Donald Duck Disneyland T-shirt it was part of the desired effect. The title " Simply Hollywood " was in tongue in cheek style.

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