Sunday, June 29, 2008

NEVADA CITY Farmers Market

Sparky and I got up early Saturday morning and went to the Nevada City Farmers Market. It was the inaugural event for the Saturday market which is located on Union Street. A street that provides the perfect setting with Callanan Park and the building that replaced the Shell gas station. The view from York at the top of Broad Street was spectacular with people filling all of the street and vendors lining both sides. Callanan Park featured a petting zoo which was well attended. The Nevada City Farmers Market will be every Saturday through Fall. As Sparky and I entered the market a familiar voice rang out; " Wiley Dog. ". It was Jane Yager and she was a founding volunteer of the Farmers Market and a old friend. She explained that unfortunately dogs where not allowed and there for I could not go in. My thoughts at the time was " Humans when will you get it right ! We are your best friends!". Jane soon soften me when she explained; " Wiley Dog, those are the rules here. But my rules say as always, you are invited to the house and Phil will make you your favorite summer drink.". That did make me happy for Phil, her husband, made the best summer drinks. Wiley Dog's is the greyhound with a lemon wedge, always not squeezed . The only change over the years has been the call of " light on the salt ". Soon after a few cool soothing " hounds", Wiley Dog loved to give updates to Phil and Jane his and Sparky's efforts " to save the planet one person at a time". Wiley Dog smiled as he watched Sparky zig zag his way through the crowd. Wiley Dog thought what a spectacular view !

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